发表时间:2018-04-27 09:53:47 作者:zhouzhengmao 阅读:142次
剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)在科学、技术及医学领域目前在售15,000多种纸本图书、8,000多种电子图书及160多种同行评审期刊。这些书籍毫无疑问是我们留学生在写论文的时候的最佳引用文献资料,极具权威性。有很多同学和小编反馈说前面文章关于剑桥大学的书单很有用,希望我们继续推送,那么下文中美伦教育小编又给大家整理了一些科学、技术及医学类的书单,一起来看看吧。
Applications of Diophantine Approximation to Integral Points and Transcendence丢番图近似积分与超越的应用
Part of Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics
Pietro Corvaja, Università degli Studi di Udine, Italy
Umberto Zannier, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
HB | ISBN: 9781108424943
This introduction to Diophantine approximation and Diophantine equations, with applications to related topics, pays special regard to Schmidt's subspace theorem. It contains a number of results, some never before published in book form, and some new. The authors introduce various techniques and open questions to guide future research.
Non-Associative Normed Algebras
2 Volume Hardback Set
Part of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications
Miguel Cabrera García, Universidad de Granada
Ángel Rodríguez Palacios, Universidad de Granada
HB | ISBN: 9781108679077
This two-volume work on non-associative normed algebras reorganises an enormous amount of research material dispersed across hundreds of papers, producing new results. It provides a unique treatment, intended for both researchers and graduate students, and is sure to become a central resource.
Attosecond and Strong-Field Physics
Principles and Applications
C. D. Lin, Kansas State University
Anh-Thu Le, Kansas State University
Cheng Jin, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Hui Wei, Kansas State University
HB | ISBN: 9781107197763
An introductory textbook on attosecond and strong field physics, describing how matter interacts with attosecond pulses. Fundamental theory and modeling techniques and the exciting experimental developments in the field are covered. Includes discussion of future challenges and is an invaluable resource for students and researchers.
Adversarial Machine Learning对抗性机器学习
Anthony D. Joseph, University of California, Berkeley Blaine Nelson, Google
Benjamin I. P. Rubinstein, University of Melbourne
J.D. Tygar, University of California, Berkeley
HB | ISBN: 9781107043466
Combining essential theory and practical techniques for analysing system security, and building robust machine learning in adversarial environments, as well as including case studies on email spam and network security, this complete introduction is an invaluable resource for researchers, practitioners and students in computer security and machine learning.
The Theory of Quantum Information
John Watrous, University of Waterloo, Ontario
HB | ISBN:9781107180567
Intended for graduate students and researchers, this book presents a formal development of the mathematical theory of quantum information. Largely self-contained, with clear proofs and a wide range of exercises, it will help the reader grasp the fundamental facts and techniques that form the mathematical foundations of the subject.
Radiogenic Isotope Geology放射性同位素地质学
Alan P. Dickin, McMaster University, Ontario
HB | ISBN: 9781107099449
PB | ISBN: 9781107492127
The new edition of Radiogenic Isotope Geology examines revolutionary changes in geochemical thinking over the past fifteen years. The latest ideas and methods, classic papers, and illustrative case studies all come under scrutiny, providing an accessible introduction for students and critical commentary for researchers.
Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Cellular Networks蜂窝网络的随机几何分析
Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA), Rocquencourt
Martin Haenggi, University of Notre Dame, Indiana
Paul Keeler, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Statistics
Sayandev Mukherjee, DOCOMO Innovations, Inc., Palo Alto
HB | ISBN: 9781107162587
Achieve faster, more efficient network design and optimization with this comprehensive guide. Presenting the latest analytic methods and results from stochastic geometry for understanding the behaviour of heterogeneous cellular networks, and including practical Long-Term Evolution (LTE) applications, it is ideal for engineers who design wireless communication networks
Environmental Attitudes through Time时代与环境观念
R. J. Berry, University College London
PB | ISBN: 9781107679481
HB | ISBN: 9781107062320
This volume presents data and concepts from a broad range of disciplines that affect our life and well-being within our environment. It shows the limits but also the possibilities for action and so throws light on our present and future fate as individuals, as citizens, and as decision makers.
Quality and Safety in Women's Health
Thomas Ivester, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
HB | ISBN: 99781107686304
Designed for providers of women's healthcare, this manual guides those implementing QI and safety programs with emphasis on obstetrics and gynecology. The book contains case-based elements to improve accessibility and understanding. The editors are involved with global initiatives educating physicians in safety aspects of practice.
Practical Healthcare Epidemiology
Ebbing Lautenbach, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Preeti N. Malani, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Keith F. Woeltje, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis
Jennifer H. Han, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
Emily K. Shuman, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Jonas Marschall, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis
HB | ISBN: 9781107153165
A much-needed new edition at a time when all healthcare professionals, and healthcare epidemiologists in particular, face tough challenges in infection prevention. Leaders in healthcare epidemiology come together to offer practical, hands-on advice to trainees and professionals in addressing all aspects of infection surveillance and prevention.
Predictive StatisticsAnalysis and Inference beyond Models
Part of Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics
Bertrand S. Clarke, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Jennifer L. Clarke, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
HB | ISBN: 9781107028289
Aimed at statisticians and machine learners, this retooling of statistical theory asserts that high-quality prediction should be the guiding principle of modeling and learning from data, then shows how. The fully predictive approach to statistical problems outlined embraces traditional subfields and 'black box' settings, with computed examples.