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发表时间:2019-05-26 16:57:10 作者:zhangxin 阅读:144次


       想要英语写作表达好,第一步,就是放下我们原有的语言表达的固有习惯,去习惯并掌握英语表达的重点。那么对于英语来说,什么是“good writing”?

       it’s plain and it’s strong.It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning;there’s no subject,however technical or complex,that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right.




       The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangle and suffocate everything you write.The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.




       “Dear member:The board of governors has spent the past year considering proactive efforts that will continue to professionalize the club and to introduce efficiencies that we will be implementing throughout 2009.”








       主动语态下的动词表示一个特定的动作:JOHN SAW THE BOYS。

       这个事件只发生过一次,而且我们总是知道who did what。是JOHN进行了“SAW”。

       但如果换成被动语态,就会变成:THE BOYS WERE SEEN BY JOHN.

       它更长,语调更弱:它需要三个单词(WERE SEEN BY而不是SAW),而且不是那么精确。我们不知道约翰看到男孩多久一次?每天?每周一次?

       主动语态能给句子一个昂扬向上的动力向前进,但是被动语态则缺少这份推动力。“momentum is given to a sentence by active verbs and the sentence is pushed forward by them”


       I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,to front only the essential facts of nature,and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,and not,when I came to die,discover that I had not lived.



       Short is always better than long.


       A decision was made to go to the woods because of a desire for a deliberate existence and for exposure to only the essential facts of life,and for possible instruction in its educational elements,and because of a concern that at the time of my death the absence of a meaningful prior experience would be apprehended.


       “I went to the woods because”


       “A decision was made.”

       好好用起主动语态下的动词吧,active verbs.They are your best friends.



       I have four principles of writing good English.They are Clarity,Simplicity,Brevity,and Humanity.

       ——Writing English as a Second Language


       If it’s not clear you might as well not write it.




       “Oh,Mr.Zinsser,you’re so funny,”



       At night,lying in bed,I would let the slogans drift away,to be replaced with a series of images,romantic images,of a past I had never known.

       这段话是美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)在他的回忆录“Dreams from My Father”中写的。

       So remember:Simple is good.Writing is not something you have to embroider with fancy stitches to make yourself look smart.



       “Short is always better than long.Short sentences are better than long sentences.Short words are better than long words.”

       举个非常不恰当的比方,想想现在多少人一看到长篇大论,哪怕知道是好文章,都会自动收藏不看。换位思考下,对于老师来说,他更喜欢又臭又长死脑细胞,实际上啥也没谈的“官样文章”,还是简单明了轻松阅读的Essay呢?不要写你在交谈中不会说的话,写作就是在纸上或屏幕上与其他人交谈。真的take it easy!别整复杂了!


       简而言之,就是做自己。永远不要试图成为你在写作中不愿成为的人。Never try in your writing to be someone you’re not.不要为了试图变得“更加优越”,而失去了自己。




