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如何写好一篇Argumentative Essay?

发表时间:2020-07-15 13:38:10 作者:fanyaya 阅读:132次

      小从课程作业,大至学术论文;议论文,在同学们的生活中占领着举足轻重的地位。今天让我们跟随Meeloun论文网一起学习如何写好一篇Argumentative Essay?

如何写好一篇Argumentative Essay

      什么是argumentative essay?

      比起华丽的词藻,argumentative essay更侧重于用严谨的语言论述观点。




      在第一个介绍段落中,作者需要通过最简洁的语言给予出话题的背景信息,和文章的中心论点(thesis statement)。

      Thesis statement是由topic+claim两部分组成的。topic是主题,而claim就是你要传达的内容,你的观点和态度。

      第二部分Body Paragraph:陈述论据



      在有的时候,作者还需要通过反驳counter argument来强化自己的论点。
课堂body paragraph练习




      Have you ever eaten a slimy gorgon-like piece of fat,or in other words,junk food?School lunches have been a controversy for years,and many schools still serve bad food.I think schools should not serve junk food.


      First of all,junk food has a lot of fat.Fat is something that children cannot have too much of.One type of fat,cholesterol,is known to cause fatal strokes to many.It also affects blood pressure,and high blood pressure can lead to heart attacks,and it would cause pain in the kidneys,because kidneys rely on healthy blood cells carrying oxygen to stay healthy.A study by some scientists say that after studying the participants,many had bodies vulnerable to diabetes.


      "Fat is something that children cannot have too much of."是本段的论点;



      “Fat is something that children cannot have too much”

      Cholesterol:Specific example!

      "It would cause pain in the kidneys,because kidneys...healthy."这句话略微繁琐,可以分为两句


      Second,junk food is not fresh.Since we are dealing with kids and adolescents in school,some young kids hate a grueling stomach ache.Junk food causes just that.Not only is it a pain in the front for children,but a literal pain in the back for parents.They have to deal with and help their sick child.


      “stomach ache”拼写应该为stomachache


      Finally,Eating too much causes obesity.Obesity can cause mental damage to a child.Many many children laugh at and tease and make fun of fat or obese children,and it makes children loose confidence and sometimes they get depressed.Also,obesity causes children to have an inability to participate in physical games.It also makes someone vulnerable to everything too much fat causes.


      “Obesity can cause mental damage to a child.”


      修改:“Obesity causes mental health to a child.”


      All in all,junk food should not be in schools.Everyone should take a say in the problem of junk food in school.




