发表时间:2021-02-24 15:05:31 作者:zhouzhengmao 阅读:277次
对于我们同学来说,永远无法预测导师会要求写哪一类的coursework。所以要想写好coursework,积累大量的知识同时又能掌握学术写作的相关技巧,就最为关键。一般来讲,导师会提前框定好主题和一些限制条件,而这些都会对我们的写作造成困扰——你的选择余地大受约束。Coursework的分类其实有很多种,这些coursework的形式可能是research paper、narrative essay、book report以及其他的各类学术论文。所以Coursework写作前,必须弄清楚是哪一种类型,还有具体的字数等要求,这样做到有的放矢。
The most important thing is that you need to choose your topic correctly. Try to evaluate your favorite problem. If it is broad, you will need to familiarize yourself with a huge number of sources, which can be too difficult. And no one will cancel the time limit for writing a term paper. A narrow topic is dangerous to others – a shortage of sources of information (the methodical recommendations indicate the minimum number of such sources). However, if you can find the necessary materials on a narrow topic, then this course work will be valued more than the presentation of material on a broad topic.
One of the most difficult challenges for a writer is to present the coursework in an effective manner and to write the content in the prescribed form the writer needs to have proper knowledge and details of the Topic. The well-Presented Coursework includes:
A) Avoid using Bullets or Numbering because it can disrupt the reader while reading the main content or body written in the whole task.
B) Use Proper Series for representing the coursework, the appropriate series of coursework may include:
a) Introduction
b) Main Body
c) Conclusion
C) Give proper Numbering to in the coursework, follow all the basic rules of writing the task.
D) Maintain Focus on the Topic while writing and this will result in a relevant and meaningful material representation.
Coursework Writing Requires some of the basic rules which are must be considered by the writer to get an effective and useful task, such rules are as below:
1. 不要抄袭: The original and meaningful data must be written in coursework in your own words.
2. 紧贴主题: The topic which writer is writing, he must maintain relevancy with the content and data.
3. 字数检查: The Word Count must be checked properly because one should not exceed or write fewer words than a given limit.
These rules are must to be followed to avoid unnecessary mistakes in any Coursework.