发表时间:2021-05-14 10:39:47 作者:zhangxin 阅读:128次
Essay introduction代写误区1:一个观点或者论据引用一大串文献
Essay introduction代写误区2:指出研究课题但不具体说明到底如何有研究价值
Essay introduction代写误区3:细节过多导致句子不够精炼
Essay introduction代写误区1:一个观点或者论据引用一大串文献
Give too many citations for one point
例如"Many studies have found a significant association between X and Y[4-15]".这句话引用文献[4-15]实在是太多了,堆砌在一个观点的后面是审稿人很反感的。尽量节选重要的经典的或者最近的文献来引用。如果说这些文献实在是都很值得引用,那么不妨尝试改用下面的句式来展现:"A significant association has been found between X and Y in men[4-7],women[8-11],and children[12-15]."
Essay introduction代写误区2:指出研究课题但不具体说明到底如何有研究价值
Explain why your research topic is worth of study
例如在修改润色论文时最常遇到的表达就是:"…is important…",但是没有给出细节描述重要性体现在哪些方面。所以如果你想说"The development of new materials is important for the automotive industry",则应该要这样去表述"The development of new materials is necessary for the automotive industry to produce stronger,lighter vehicles,which will improve safety and fuel economy."(推荐表达,加粗部分具体指明在哪几个点体现新材料的重要性)
Essay introduction代写误区3:细节过多导致句子不够精炼
Bury your readers in detail
例如:"a previous study conducted in 2014 found that 10%fewer individuals were diagnosed with age-related diseases,such as arthritis,in areas with such healthcare policies in place."
推荐修改如下更精炼简洁:"a previous study found that fewer individuals were diagnosed with age-related diseases in areas with such healthcare policies."