Cause and Effect Essay怎么写?范文及题目分享
发表时间:2022-06-23 14:49:09 作者:zzm 阅读:451次
像任何学术写作一样,Cause and Effect Essay应该遵循关于结构、风格、格式和语气的正式指南。它应该基于事实和扎实的论证,因此您要投入足够的时间和精力进行研究和逻辑开发。下面为大家分享Cause and Effect Essay写作方法以及题目和范文,供大家参考学习,帮助大家掌握这类Essay的写作方法。
1.什么是Cause and Effect Essay
Cause and Effect Essay侧重于分析某事发生背后的原因并探索该情况的后果。在某种程度上,这种写作形式类似于议论文。作者必须展示所讨论主题之间的相互关系。例如,可以回答“哪些因素会加剧环境问题?”这个问题。或说明不良的饮食习惯如何影响我们的健康。为此,人们应该对该主题进行深入研究,并了解给定现象的来龙去脉。换句话说,作者在向观众解释之前应该成为这件事的专家。
由于错综复杂的特点,Cause and Effect Essay经常讨论科学主题。然而,作者的任务是以简单易懂的方式表达复杂的概念和现象。读者应该能够满足他们的好奇心。理想情况下,他们在完成论文后应该没有留下任何问题。既然您了解了什么是Cause and Effect Essay,那么让我们进一步了解相应的大纲。
2.Cause and Effect Essay大纲
Cause and Effect Essay大纲允许确定如何在遵守学术要求的同时以最吸引人的方式构建它。通过大纲,您可以立即发现结构上的不一致。此外,您可以不费吹灰之力:遵循现有方向总是比提出新想法更容易。大纲的另一个好处是您可以在不更改大量文本的情况下编辑论文。当你知道你必须坚持某个计划时,这个过程就会顺利进行,没有麻烦。主题的特殊性将影响论文的结构。大纲包括引言和结论的传统段落,但论文的正文可能因学生的喜好而异。可以使用三种不同方案中的一种来构造正文段落。然而,第一列仍然代表了讨论权利要求的理想方式。
1. Introduction
2. Body:
Variant 1
Cause 1
Cause 2
Effect 1
Effect 2
Variant 2
Cause 1
Effect 1
Cause 2
Effect 2
Variant 3
Cause & Effect 1
Cause & Effect 2
Cause & Effect 3
3. Conclusion
3.Cause and Effect Essay写作步骤
要写一篇令人信服的Cause and Effect Essay,必须表现出奉献精神、批判性思维能力和足够的组织。
头脑风暴Cause and Effect Essay主题
首先,首先为Cause and Effect Essay确定合适的主题。考虑的几个主题包括思想的发展、文化运动和自然现象。选择Cause and Effect Essay主题的关键提示是确保它能够分析和观察因果关系。
为您的Cause and Effect Essay创建论文
对于Cause and Effect Essay,论文是对因果之间单一或多重关系的陈述,读者将在正文段落中发现。
制定正文段落:Cause and Effect Essay正文
根据Cause and Effect Essay格式的标准,正文应由 2-5 段组成。每个人都应该探索原因之间关系的特定方面。必须发展核心思想才能开始编写正文段落。
开始为你的Cause and Effect Essay写草稿
在论文和正文段落的头脑风暴的帮助下,开始写Cause and Effect Essay的草稿。在其中,确保借助过渡、将所有段落链接回原始论文和主题句来创建逻辑思想流。最后,始终牢记论文的目的。
回顾你的Cause and Effect Essay的工作
通常,写一篇Cause and Effect Essay的初稿需要修改。要问的问题包括:
4.Cause and Effect Essay题目
Cause and Effect Essay主题可以根据学生的需要而多样化,因为Cause and Effect Essay适用于所有学科,包括但不限于历史、社会学、技术、物理、语言和艺术等一些。如果学生可以自由选择自己的Cause and Effect Essay主题,他们应该从选择最重要的主题开始,然后证明其相关性。这样,对主题的兴趣将驱动成功完成任务的动力。建议用于Cause and Effect Essay的几个最受欢迎的主题示例按类别划分如下:
Topics for Education
How does online schooling affect the academic performance of students
What is the effect on educational outcomes for extended school days?
How is the rate of dropouts influenced by standardized tests?
How is student motivation affected by the general grading system?
Why is learning so boring to the majority of the students?
How is the effectiveness of learning influenced by the adoption of technology?
How are the academic outcomes of students affected by sports and other extracurricular activities?
What are the positive and negative outcomes of school uniforms?
How is a student's future success affected by taking a "gap year"?
What does learning fine arts do to affect students' learning in schools?
Topics for Politics
What has resulted in a rise of democracy in the United States?
What makes politicians choose their career path?
What are the key outcomes of illegal immigration on society and the country as a whole?
What are the core objectives that led to the British strategy of colonialism?
How did the country benefit from colonialism?
Which events specifically led to the American Revolution?
What caused a rise in immigration rates?
What are the potentially negative outcomes of legalizing drugs?
What are the effects of poor leadership on behalf of politicians on the economy and the country?
What are the specific impacts felt by the Affordable Care Act?
Topics for History
How does the history of slavery still affect modern society?
What are the main catalysts and outcomes of the American Civil War?
Under what grounds what John F. Kennedy assassinated?
What key reasons led to the collapse of the Soviet Union?
How was the citizenry affected by the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
What is the connection between the Roman Empire and the Rise of Christianity?
What caused the pact between Stalin and Hitler?
What caused the Arab Spring?
Cause and effects of the witch trials in Salem?
What were the outcomes of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
5.Cause and Effect Essay范文
Student’s Name 1
Student’s NameProfessor’s Name
Course Number
The Effects of Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is becoming an increasing challenge among people today. Most individuals have experienced sleep deprivation at least once, and the occurrence is becoming more widespread—especially among adults. Much like food and water, sleep is a biological need that our bodies need to function properly. With that in mind, let’s examine the negative effects sleep deprivation has on people and their productivity.One of the major effects of sleep deprivation, that is oftentimes overlooked, is that it can cause accidents. Some of the world's biggest disasters have been attributed to human error due to lack of sleep. From the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster in 1986 to the Exxon Valdez oil spill, sleep deprivation has caused the loss of lives, destruction of property, and environmental degradation. Also, sleep deprivation has been the cause of an enormous amount of road accidents—which has led to high death tolls.
Approximately 100,000 traffic accidents and 1500 crash-related deaths can be attributed to fatigue among drivers (Peri par. 3).These numbers are shocking considering that most of the victims are young adults of 25 years or younger. In fact, nearly 20 percent of all road accidents in the U.S. are due to sleep deprivation among drivers (Blass et al. 28). Also, work-related accidents are often caused by sleep deprivation. Workers who have frequent work accidents cite lack of sleep as their primary reason for such mishaps.
Productivity is also affected by lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation leads to poor performance in the workplace and in schools. Children need 10-12 hours of sleep per day, while adults need 7-8 hours minimum (Blass et al. 28). Lack of sleep among school-going children can result in bad grades, while adults may underperform at work. The body needs sleep to enhance thinking and learning, and a lack of sleep or minimal sleep can inhibit these cognitive processes in numerous ways.
People with sleep deprivation are unable to reason correctly, pay attention, concentrate, and stay alert (Peri par. 5). In fact, researchers compare carrying out simple activities while fatigued to doing so while under the influence of alcohol. Activities like studying, driving, and working may be difficult for sleep-deprived people to execute properly. Moreover, sleep deprivation causes poor memory retention, making people quickly forget or take a long time to process simple information. Sleep is paramount for the mind to store memories.
Sleep deprivation over an extended period causes depression. In fact, most people suffering from depression and anxiety sleep for six hours or less per night (Peri par. 11). Insomnia (a common sleep disorder) is generally the first symptom of depression, and the majority of those who suffer from it become depressed at some point. Insomnia and depression are intertwined in the sense that insomnia can make its victims suffer from depression, and those who are depressed tend to lack sleep. However, as much as insomnia is attributed to depression, treating the disorder can aid to cure depressed victims.
People who do not get enough sleep are at risk of many problems. They are prone to accidents, be it the road or in work-related accidents. Their performance is also affected, making it difficult for them to correctly reason, make decisions, and/or concentrate. This minimizes their example from
productivity in school and in the workplace. Finally, sleep-deprived people are more likely to suffer from depression than individuals who are not sleep deprived. Sleep is vital for human health and performance, therefore making it essential to ensure that you get enough sleep every night.
Works Cited
Blass, Laurie et al. 21St Century Reading. National Geographic Learning, 2016.Peri, Camille. "10 Things To Hate About Sleep Loss". WebMD, 2014,
最后,写一篇结构良好的Cause and Effect Essay需要在开始之前进行大量的组织。学生应该清楚地说明关键问题背后的原因并讨论结果。尽管大纲可能在正文段落中包含一些变化,但引言应该令人信服,结论应该深思熟虑。任何问题,情况或事件在良好的Cause and Effect Essay中都有原因和影响。不会写这类essay的同学们,欢迎大家选择我们为您提供原创Essay代写服务,每一份Essay都是由我们的海内外TOP100高校学霸和老师为您原创写作完成,为了确保原创,我们会严格使用Turnitin检测查重并为您赠送Turnitin查重报告,同时,我们支持每一份Essay在交稿后14天内免费无限次修改直到满意为,欢迎咨询网站客服。