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国外文章常用的三种引用格式、 Harvard格式(哈佛格式)、APA格式Oxford格式(牛津格式)到底区别在哪里?留学生到底应该如何合理运用这些格式呢?我们给大家收集整理了三个例子,大家一看便知

I. Harvard格式(使用国家:英国、澳大利亚)

Sample reference list


Burdess, N 2007, Good study, Pearson Education, Sydney.

Cotterall, S & Cohen, R 2003, ‘Scaffolding for second language writers: producing an

academic essay’, ELT Journal, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 158–66.

Dykes, B 1992, Grammar made easy, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney.

Gaspar, M & Shepherd, M 2007, Guide to assignment writing and referencing, 2nd edn,

Deakin University, retrieved 20 April 2008,


Hindsight 2006, radio program, ABC National Radio, Melbourne, 31 August.

HREOC—see Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 1997, Bringing them home: report of the

National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from

their Families, HREOC, Sydney.

Watts, M 2006, ‘Team term papers and presentations’, in WE Becker, M Watts & SR Becker

(eds), Teaching economics: more alternatives to chalk and talk, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,

UK, pp. 151–70.

II.APA格式 (American Psychological Association 美国心理学会)(使用国家:美国、加拿大)

Sample reference list in APA style


Anonymous. (2001). Meeting health-care needs. London: Longman.

Antonakos, C. L., & Kazanis, A. S. (2003). Research process in the health sciences: A focus

on methods. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 17, 257–264.

Clay, G. (2003). Assignment writing skills. Nursing Standard, 17 (20), 47–52.

Crawford, P., Brown, B., & Nolan, P. (1998). Communicating care: The language of nursing.

Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes.

Elder, R., Neal, C., Davis, B. A., Almes, E., Whitledge, L., & Littlepage, N. (2004). Patient

satisfaction with triage nursing in a rural hospital emergency department. Journal of

Nursing Care Quality, 19, 263–268. Retrieved June 30, 2004, from Academic Search

Premier database.

Embryo study nod, OK say IVF couples. (2004, May 31). Herald Sun, p. 10.

Gagliardi, B. A., Frederickson, K., & Shanley, D. A. (2002). Living with multiple sclerosis:

A Roy Adaptation Model-based study. Nursing Science Quarterly, 15 (3), 230–236.

Mahon, S. M., Spies, M. A., Aukamp, V., Barrett, J. T., Figgins, M. J., Meyer, G. A., et al.

(1997). Presentation of nursing diagnosis content in fundamentals of nursing textbooks.

Nurse Educator, 22 (1), 17–22.

Naidoo, B. (2000). Evaluating the use of public health risk factor simulation models. In

M. Thorogood & Y. Coombes (Eds.), Evaluating health promotion: Practice and methods

(pp. 99–109). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

National Health and Medical Research Council. (1997). Acting on Australia’s weight:

A strategic plan for the prevention of overweight and obesity. Canberra: Australian

Government Publishing Service.

Obesity. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2004, from


Rego, P. (2003, August). Confronting embodiment. Nuritinga, 5, 1–6. Retrieved June 20,

2004, from


Savage, J. (2004). Researching emotion: The need for coherence between focus, theory and

methodology. Nursing Inquiry, 11, 25–34.

Wroe, D. (2004, June 24). Canberra enlists GPs in war on smoking. The Age, p. 3.


Sample bibliography in documentary-note (Oxford) style


Arakawa, Y, Zen painting, trans. J. Bester, Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1970.

Art in our time, video recording, Michael Blackwood Productions, New York, 2001.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Building approvals, Australia, cat. no. 8731.0,

ABS Ausstats, 2004, retrieved 3 November 2004,


Edwards, P, ‘Mud, glorious mud’, The Age, 20 October 2004, pp. 6–7s.

Goldthwaite, RA, ‘The Florentine palace as domestic architecture’, American Historical

Review, vol. 77, no. 4, 1972, pp. 977–1012.

Gombrich, EH, ‘The early Medici as patrons of art’, in EF Jacob (ed.), Italian Renaissance

studies, Faber and Faber, London, 1960, pp. 279–311.

Kleiner, FS, CJ Mamiya & RG Tansey, Gardner’s art through the ages, 11th edn, Harcourt

College Publishers, Fort Worth, 2001.

Lobo, J, ‘Latin American construction at a glance’, Construction Review, vol. 41, no. 1, 1995,

pp. iv–vi, retrieved 5 November 2004, Expanded Academic ASAP database.

Parliamentary Standing Committee on Public Works, Proposed common use infrastructure on

Christmas Island, Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2002.






