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Scholarship Essay模板范文及写作技巧

发表时间:2022-02-10 11:09:52 作者:zhouzhengmao 阅读:597次

现如今,越来越多的年轻人选择出国留学深造,一部分学生比较担心自己是否能拿到心仪的学校的offer,而还有一部分的学生却在为出国留学所要负担的高昂学费以及生活费而烦恼。因此,现在很多国家的教育部和大学为了帮助被客观条件所限制的学生减轻经济负担,专注于学习,提供了各种各样的奖学金。申请奖学金需要学生既在学业上有着优秀的成绩,并且在经济上达到学校标准,然后提交奖学金申请书,即scholarship essay,进行申请。

scholarship essay

Scholarship essay在不同机构或大学会有不同的要求,一般是根据所给的题目进行写作,并且有一定的字数限制。我们要严格遵循所给出的要求,并在表述中有自己的特色和亮点,才能在众多的申请书中脱颖而出。

1.Scholarship essay写作结构


In 600 words or less, please tell us about yourself and why you ore applying for this scholarship. Please be clear about how this scholarship will help you achieve your personal and professional goals.


Being African, I recognize Africa's need for home- grown talent in the form of "planners" (assistants with possible solutions) and "searchers" (those with desperate need) working towards international development. I represent both. Coming from Zimbabwe my greatest challenge is in helping to improve the livelihoods of developing nations through sustainable development and good governance principles. The need for policy-makers capable of employing cross-jurisdictional, and cross- disciplinary strategies to solve complex challenges cannot be under-emphasized; hence my application to this scholarship program.



After graduating from Africa University with on Honors degree in Sociology and Psychology, I am now seeking scholarship support to study in the United States at the Master's level. My interest in democracy, elections, constitutionalism and development stems from my lasting interest in public policy issues. Accordingly, my current research interests in democracy and ethnic diversity require a deeper understanding of legal processes of constitutionalism and governance. As a Master's student in the US, I intend to write articles on these subjects from the perspective of someone born, raised, and educated in Africa. I will bring a unique and much-needed perspective to my graduate program in the United States, and I will take the technical and theoretical knowledge from my graduate program back with me to Africa to further my career goals as a practitioner of good governance and community development.

To augment my theoretical understanding of governance and democratic practices, I worked with the Zimbabwe Election Support Network (ZESN) as a Programs Assistant in the Monitoring and Observation department. This not only enhanced my project management skills, but also developed my skills in research and producing communication materials. ZESN is Zimbabwe's biggest election observation organization, and I had the responsibility of monitoring the political environment and producing monthly publications on human rights issues and electoral processes. These publications were disseminated to various civil society organizations, donors and other stakeholders. Now / intend to develop my career in order to enhance Africa's capacity to advocate, write and vote for representative constituiions.

I also participated in a fellowship program at Africa University, where I gained greater insight into social development by teaching courses on entrepreneurship, free market economics, and development in needy communities. I worked with women ;n rural areas of Zimbabwe to setup income-generating projects such as the jatropha soap-making project Managing such a project gave me great insight into how many simple initiatives can transform lives.



Your organization has c history of awarding scholarships to promising young students from the developing world in order to bring knowledge, skills and leadership abilities to their home communities. I have already done some of this work but I want to continue, and with your assistance, I can. The m jltidisciplinary focus of the development programs I am applying to in the US will provide me with the necessary skills to creatively address the economic and social development challenges and develop sound public policies for Third World countries. I thank you for your time and consideration for this prestigious award.


Scholarship essay写作技巧

2.Scholarship essay写作技巧



一般Scholarship essay都有字数的限制,所以我们要在有限的字数中尽可能表达出更多有效的信息,所以要注重文章的简洁性,不要表达过多的无用冗余信息,要切中要点。

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