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Process Essay写作指南及Process Essay范文

发表时间:2022-02-14 16:43:09 作者:zhouzhengmao 阅读:474次

在学术写作中,留学生们可能会遇到很多不同类型的Process Essay,需要我们选择一个主题并描述其过程,循序渐进并完成最终的报告。一篇Process Essay的目标是为你的读者提供指导,即你需要在这篇文章里面讨论你是如何完成某事的。换句话说,一篇Process Essay就相当于是论文写作的食谱或者技术指导手册。但很多留学生由于个人语言组织能力匮乏,语言不够清晰明确,使得论文最终书写效果堪忧。幸运的是,WorkEssay将会帮助大家明晰Process Essay的概念,再进一步介绍其写作结构指南。

Process Essay的定义

1.Process Essay的定义

简单地说,Process Essay就是一篇指导型论文。这类文章的作用是告诉读者如何做某事,使得他最终能达成某个目标。这个目标可以是任何一切事物。因此你的重点应该放在引导读者完成任务,为缺乏经验的他们提供指导。

2.Process Essay结构指南

Process Essay的结构与其他论文有相似之处,也就是说它包括引言 (Introduction)、主要段落 (Body Paragraphs) 和结论 (Conclusion)。你需要创建一个写作大纲,这样在写作过程中就不会像“无头苍蝇”没有方向感。写作时不要忘记自己想要表达的基本观点。


第二部分Body Paragraphs,正文的段落数取决于过程阶段的简易程度。但是请确保这部分内容不要太长或太复杂而难以理解。每一个阶段都应按事先计划好的顺序提出,在每一段中列出一个新阶段。除此之外,每个段落应该包括完成过程中所必需的细节,例如所需要使用的设备工具等,以及读者在这个过程中可能会遇到的困难等。我们前面列下的提纲这个时候就可以派上用场了。通过参考你所列的提纲,紧跟着你的提纲,创建一些适当的小标题,可以把论文分成更小的部分。这里特别需要注意的是,要保证段落清晰明确,顺序得当。有一些步骤比较繁琐,我们可以适当运用一些过渡连接词来保证文章的脉络清晰流畅,例如 “then”, “next”,” , “now”等词的使用。此外,我们要注意一点,这一部分使用第一人称代词,例如“我”、“我的”等往往会给你的论文大大扣分。最好用第二人称或第三人称来叙述,这样更具有说服力。例如,我们可以写下“这篇论文介绍的是什么内容”而不是“我打算来描述什么内容”。

第三部分Conclusion, 这个部分是三个部分最短的一部分,用来揭示过程的结果。除此之外,在总结部分你可以再次重申文章主题的重要性,指出完成任务带来的好处,适当地赞扬你的读者,他们也会更愿意按照你的步骤完成任务。
Process Essay写作注意事项

3.Process Essay写作注意事项

在你开始写作之前,你需要花点时间想想目标读者群体是谁,他们希望从你的论文中获得什么。想明白这些问题能够帮助你确定在论文中需要解决什么问题,以及在写作过程中使用什么风格的语言。其次不要忘记准备一张列表,上面要包含在这篇Process Essay所需要使用到的材料工具。不要忘记提纲的书写,写下你为这篇文章做的总结研究以及计划,这样就书写过程中就不会遗落重要步骤。在具备书写中,记得往文章里面填充细节加深读者的理解。

4.Process Essay范文

下面为大家提供一篇样文范例,大家可以对照文章以及上面的写作结构指南,学习作者的逻辑以及连接词的使用,模仿训练,相信到时候完成Process Essay一定是信手拈来。

Process Analysis Essay Examples

Growing tomatoes is a simple and rewarding task, and more people should be growing them. This paper walks readers through the main steps for growing and maintaining patio tomatoes from a seedling.

The first step in growing tomatoes is determinmg if you have the appropriate available space and sunlight to grow them. All tomato varieties require full sunlight, which means at least six hours of direct sun even7 day. If you have south-facing windows or a patio or backyard that receives direct sunlight, you should be able to grow tomatoes. Choose the location that receives the most sun.

Next, you need to find the right seedling. Growing tomatoes and other vegetables from seeds can be more complicated (though it is not difficult), so I am only discussing how to grow tomatoes from a seedling. A seedling, for those who do not know, is typically understood as a young plant that has only recently started growing from the seed. It can be an^lhing from a newly germinated plant to a fully flowering plant. You can usually find tomato seedlings at your local nursery for an affordable price. Less than five dollars per plant is a common price. When choosing the best seedling, look for a plant that is short with healthy, full leaves and no flowers. This last point tends to be counterintuitive, but it is extremely important. You do not want a vegetable plant that has already started flowering in the nursery because it will have a more difficult time adapting to its new environment when you replant it.

Once, you have found the right seedlings to plant back home, you need to find the best way of planting them. I recommend that you plant your tomatoes in containers. If you have the space and sunlight, then you can certainly plant them in the ground: but a container has several advantages and is usually most manageable for the majoritx- of gardeners. The containers can be used in the house, on a patio, or anywhere in the backyard, and they are portable. Containers also tend to better regulate moisture and drain excess water. Choose a container that is at least 10 inches in diameter and at least 10 foot deep. This will provide sufficient room for root development.

Once you have the gravel in the bottom of the container and the soil on top, you are ready to transplant the tomato. Pick up the tomato in the plastic container it comes in from the nursery. Turn it upside down, and holding the stem between your fingers, pat the bottom lightly several times, and th亡 plant should fall into your hand. Next, you should gently break up the root ball that formed in the nursery container with your hands. Be gentle, but be sure to rip them up a bit;this helps generate new root growth in the new container. Be careful not to damage the roots too much, as this could stunt the growth or even destroy the plant altogether.

Choosing to grow the patio variety of tomatoes is easiest because patio tomatoes do not require staking or training around cages. They grow in smaller spaces and hax e a determinate harvest time. As you continue to water and monitor your plant, prune unhealthy looking leaves to the main stem: and cut your tomatoes down at the stem when they ripen to your liking. As you can see, growing tomatoes can be very easy and manageable for even novice gardeners. The satisfaction of picking and eating fresh food, and doing it yourself outweighs all the effort you put in over the growing season.

写一篇Process Essay并不像你想的那么难。Process Essay不需要用什么高大上的学术语言或华丽的短语,重点在于指导读者完成任务。Meeloun论文网作为专业的留学生Essay代写机构,专业为同学们提供各类Essay写作指导和帮助,如有需要,请咨询网站客服。




