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3500字Formal Report代写过程详解

发表时间:2022-04-15 10:33:32 作者:ZZM 阅读:398次

最近遇到一个客户,急匆匆要求我们为他代写一份3500字的Formal Report,平时专注于coding作业的他,在距离due不到两天的时间,连作业要求都没搞懂!虽然以前没学过项目管理(PM),也从未写过这么长的论文,所以找到我们为他提供Report代写服务。那么本文我们就来为大家分享一下我们的代写过程。

3500字Formal Report代写过程详解

悉尼科技大学/University of Technology
本科 IT 学生,选修项目管理/Project Management
“第一次写3500字的formal report,对PM完全不了解”

当我们接到这位同学的代写需求之后,我们安排专家连夜为C同学制定了report大纲,一一为他讲解了作业要求是什么,formal report怎么写,知识要点怎么分析/分析什么,每个部分写多少,reference格式怎么用,英语表达如何连贯等...

究竟是怎么做到的呢? 让我们一起来看看吧!


Using analysis skills and knowledge of ethical perspectives, students will research at least three professional codes of conduct and then analyse stakeholder positions within a supplied case study. This analysis will be in regards to both personal views of the scenario and comparing contents of the ethical codes investigated. The student will provide insight into the scenario from these multiple perspectives and prepare a professionally presented report discussing rationales for the various ethical positions involved. 2800-3500 words are required for the report. Your report should fit the theme of the project management course.


# 01  划重点、定题目


Using analysis skills and knowledge of ethical perspectives, students will research at least three professional codes of conduct and then analyse stakeholder positions within a supplied case study. This analysis will be in regards to both personal views of the scenario and comparing contents of the ethical codes investigated. The student will provide insight into the scenario from these multiple perspectives and prepare a professionally presented report discussing rationales for the various ethical positions involved. 2800-3500 words are required for the report. Your report should fit the theme of the project management course.

analysis skills:要体现出你的分析技能

knowledge of ethical perspectives:要体现出你具有伦理观点的知识

research at least three professional codes:研究至少三种职业行为准则

analyse stakeholder positions within a supplied case study:从利益相关者角度来分析案例(案例要自己去找)

both personal views of the scenario and comparing contents of the ethical codes:要包含个人看法,以及和道德规范的比较

professionally presented report:专业的报告,需要按照专业的格式


Your report should fit the theme of the project management course:应该与项目管理相关




Discussion on professional code of conduct: a case study of...

# 02  定框架、理思路

(1)理清楚一篇合格的 formal report 结构是什么

作为一份正式的 report 通常为了解决问题才编写,主要包括 Executive summary, Introduction, Body, Conclusions, References and the Appendix. 具体包括:

Title page

Table of contents

Executive summary(150-300字)






以 introduction 为例,它应该 a) 解释为什么要写报告; b)清楚地说明报告的范围、内容; c) 给出这个报告的写作路径。


以 introduction 写作为例,将所涉及的内容用关键字串联起来。


# 03  精准阅读文献、快速码字

以 introduction 的 topic 和 background 写作为例。整体思路:先介绍project management引入话题,然后介绍project management ethics和professional codes,介绍它们的定义,介绍它们的研究现状。

在图书馆网站,Google等资料库搜索关键词“project management”“project management ethics”“professional codes”等等。

例如,在搜索project management ethics会弹出的文章,打开文章,重点关注introduction和conclusion部分,寻找有介绍professional codes,project management ethics等有关描述进行引用,引用时记得改写。

以上就是我们为这位客户完成3500字Formal Report代写任务的过程,由于时间和篇幅关系没有附上全文的完成过程,不过大概思路就是这样。我们的专家都是国内外硕博精英,涵盖工、商、文、理、医、法等多个学术领域,确保能够为大家顺利完成各类论文作业,欢迎有需要的同学们选择我们为您服务,价格有诚意、分数有保障、服务有质量!




