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作者 : zhouzhengmao | 分类 : 留学文书 | 超过 3863 人围观 | 已有 0 人发表了看法




  1. It is constantly gratifying to receive a complimentary letter like yours. 接到您来信的赞美,我们不胜感激。(语体较正式,委婉)

  2. I would like to express my gratitude / thanks. 我愿在此向您表示感谢。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. Please accept my thanks for the very pleasant time I spent on Tuesday evening at your office. 星期二,我在你处度过了一个愉快的夜晚,请接受我的谢意。(语体较随意,非正式)

  4. We shall esteem it (as) a favor if you will inform us soon. 如蒙早日通知, 不胜感谢。(语体较正式,委婉)

       2、感谢的应答--Replies to thanks

  1. It was a pleasure for me to help you. 能帮助你使我高兴。

  2. I'm only too glad to have been of help to you. 对你能有所帮助十分高兴。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. I'm glad to have been of service to you. 我很高兴能为您效劳。(语体较正式,委婉)

  4. I'm delighted to have been able to do you this service. 能为您效劳十分高兴。


  1. Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party. 未能应约赴生日宴,殊觉抱歉。(语体较正式,委婉)

  2. I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having answered your letter dated 7 December sooner. 请原谅我收到您12月7日的来信后迟迟未复。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week. 很抱歉,上星期您借给我的那本书竟遗失了。(语体较随意,非正式)

  4. Please accept my regrets, and I'll try to make it next year. 未能出席,深表歉意,我争取明年参加。(语体较随意,非正式)

      4、遗憾--Regret and sympathy

  1. I am extremely sorry to hear about your illness. 听说你病了,我深感不安。

  2. We have just learned with profound sorrow the sad news. 得悉这一悲痛的消息,我们无比悲伤。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. I wish there was something I could say or do to soften your grief. 但愿我能以什么言词或行动来安慰您。(语体较正式,委婉)

  4. We all join in sending you our heartfelt love. 我们向您致以热忱的问候。


  1. Will you come to a luncheon on Friday, May 5th, at twelve o'clock? 您能在5月5日星期五中午12点钟来吃午饭吗? (语体较正式,委婉)

  2. It would give us great pleasure to have your presence at a reception in honor of the Chinese delegation. 如您能够出席为中国代表团而举行的招待会,我们将感到十分荣幸。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. I'm putting together a birthday party at my house tomorrow night. Can you make it? 明天晚上我准备在我家举行一个生日晚会。你能来吗?

  4. Drop by sometime if you have nothing on. 如果你没事,什么时候过来坐坐。(语体较随意,非正式)


  1. Is there anything else you would like me to do? 还有什么别的事要我做吗?

  2. Let's go Dutch. 让我们各付各的帐吧。(语体较随意,非正式)

  3. I'm not expert, but I'll be happy to help you. 我不是专家,但我很乐意帮你一把。

  4. If you like, I could make you a suit. 如果你喜欢,我可以给你做套衣服。(语体较正式,委婉)

       7、接受和谢绝--Accept and refuse

  1. I am free that evening and will be glad to meet and talk with you about language learning. 我那天晚上方便,很愿意前去拜会你们并与你们讨论语言学习方面的问题。(语体较正式,委婉)

  2. I had hoped that it would be possible for me to be there, but I now find the rush of business makes it impractical. 起初我希望能够出席此次大会,但现在发现公务繁忙,故不能到会。(语体较正式,委婉)

  3. Well, I'd like to, but I'm sure I haven't time. 唔,我很想去,就是担心没有时间。

  4. Well, that's very kind of you, but I'm afraid I can't manage Sunday. I've got something else on. 唔,你太好了。不过我星期天来不了。我有一些别的事。(语体较随意,非正式)


  1. I think the TV station should air more sports games. 我觉得电视台应该播放更多的体育节目。

  2. I was about to tell you about it too. 我也正想跟你谈一谈这件事呢。

  3. I guess you need to take more care of yourself. 我想你得更好地照顾你自己。(语体较随意,非正式)

  4. I meant to clean the room. But it really takes a lot of time. 我本想清理一下房间。可是这的确很费时间。


  1. Let us congratulate you on your graduation from university. 我们祝贺你大学毕业。(语体较随意,非正式)

  2. My wife and I join in sending our best wishes. 我和我妻子同向您致意。

  3. May the years ahead fulfill all your hopes. 愿您在今后的岁月里能实现您的一切愿望。

  4. Congratulations and sincere good wishes on your birthday. 对您的生日致以祝贺,并表示真挚而美好的祝愿。


  1. It is necessary that you should learn from him. 你向他学习是必要的。(语体较随意,非正式)

  2. I must phone my daughter, she'll be worried about me. 我必须给我女儿打电话,她会为我担心的。

  3. I want you to observe me closely while I'm making the experiment. 我做实验时我要你们仔细地观察。

  4. I'm gaining weight these days, and I have to watch my calories. 我最近的体重在增加,我得控制体重了。


  1. I was wondering if I could write her a letter. 我在想不知可不可以给她写封信。(语体较客气)

  2. Do I have your permission? 你允许吗?(语体较客气)

  3. Do you have any objection if I take a day off? 如果我休息一天你反对吗?(语体较客气)

  4. Please don't hesitate to do that. 这事请放心去做。(语体较随意,非正式)

      12、Agree or disagree

  1. I couldn't agree more. 我再赞成不过了。(语体较正式)

  2. I wish I could agree with you, but Peter's working hard. 我真希望能与您意见一致,但是彼得工作很努力。

  3. I beg to differ with you on this matter. 请允许我在这件事上跟您意见分歧。

  4. I agree in principle, but our emotions exist anyway. 原则上我同意,但不管怎么说我们的情感是存在的。

      13、Satisfy and dissatisfy

  1. Frankly speaking, I wasn't satisfied with it. 坦白而言,我不太满意。

  2. It was marvelous. I'm more than pleased. 棒极了。我太高兴了。

  3. I was rather disappointed. 我很失望。

  4. I'd expect it to be much better. 我原指望它会好得多。

      14、喜欢或不喜欢--Like or dislike

  1. Sam, I really appreciate talking with you. 山姆,我真的很喜欢跟你交谈。

  2. I really hate gossiping. 我真的不喜欢说三道四。

  3. I couldn't say smoking appeals to me very much. 我不能说吸烟对我有多大吸引力。

  4. She said that she was really pleased with the photography of this movie. 她说她喜欢这部电影的摄影。


  1. I wonder if you could keep the noise down a little. 请问你能不能小一点声音?(委婉)

  2. Aren't you ashamed of your selfish behavior? 你不为你的自私行为感到羞耻吗?(语气强烈)

  3. I'm afraid you have no right to be so rude. 恐怕您没有权力这么粗鲁无礼。

  4. You shouldn't have left early. 你不应该早走的。(语体较正式,委婉)

      16、Advice and suggestion

  1. They recommended that the machine be over hauled. 他们建议把机器彻底检查。

  2. He proposed that none of the dictionaries be taken away from the library. 他建议一本字典也不要从图书馆拿走。

  3. His recommendation is that the experiment be repeated. 他的建议是,实验要重做。

  4. Are you sure you ought to drink when you're driving? 你觉得驾车时应该喝酒吗?


  1. I'll keep my promise that you can go with me next time. 我说话算数,下次让我和你一起去。

  2. She gave a promise that the product can be returned back if it is not good enough. 她答应如果产品不好可以退货。

  3. I just have the feeling of being promised the moon, and then cheated! 我感觉好像是刚听到了一个好听的诺言,但随后就被欺骗了。

  4. Are you going back on your word? 你要食言吗?


  1. Don't beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角。(语体较随意,非正式)

  2. Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters. 小心那些混水摸鱼的人。(语体较随意,非正式)

  3. You'd better stay away from that man. 你最好离那人远一点儿。(语体较正式,委婉)

  4. Don't try any tricks! 不要耍花招!(语体较随意,非正式)


  1. Is it serious? How is it going? 严重吗?情况怎么样?(语体较随意,非正式)

  2. It's a worry to me whether she's able to pass the exam. 我担心她考试不能及格。

  3. I'm scared that she might not come back. 我担心她可能不回来了。

  4. I'm afraid he might be considering it. 我担心他在考虑这件事。


  1. Nothing had begun to interest her so much as folk music. 根本没有什么东西曾经像民间音乐那样引起她的兴趣。

  2. His interest in the subject was awakened by the book. 这本书使他对这门学科产生了兴趣。

  3. The play aroused his enthusiasm. 这剧本引起了他的极大兴趣。

  4. He doesn't know much about the subject, but he's very enthusiastic. 他对这事所知不多,但却极感兴趣。

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