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双语阅读|Supplemental Essay写作五个常见错误

作者 : admin | 分类 : 留学文书 | 超过 728 人围观 | 已有 0 人发表了看法

Supplemental essays for college applications can take all kinds of forms, but the majority of them are actually asking a very similar question: "Why do you want to go to our college?"

The question sounds simple, but college admissions officers see the five mistakes below all too frequently. As you write your supplemental essay for your college applications, be sure to steer clear of these common blunders.


supplemental essay写作五个常见错误

1. Vague Language - The Essay Is Generic and Lacking Detail

1. 空洞的语言- 文章显得很宽泛,没有细节信息

If a college asks you why you want to attend, be specific. Far too many supplemental essays resemble this Sample essay for Duke University -- the essay says nothing specific about the school in question. Whatever school you are applying to, make sure your essay addresses the particular features of that school that appeal to you.


2. Length - The Essay Is Too Long

2. 长度 – 文章太长

Many prompts for the supplemental essay ask you to write a single paragraph or two. Don't go beyond the stated limit. Also realize that a tight and engaging single paragraph is better than two mediocre paragraphs. The admissions officers have thousands of applications to read, and they will appreciate brevity.


3. Lack of Focus -- The Essay Doesn't Answer the Question

3. 没有重点 – 文章没有回答问题

If the essay prompt asks you to explain why the college is a good match for your professional interests, don't write an essay about how your friends and brother go to the school. If the prompt asks you how you hope to grow while in college, don't write an essay about how much you want to earn a bachelor's degree. Read the prompt multiple times before writing, and read it again carefully after you've written your essay.


4. Faulty Tone -- You Sound Like a Privileged Snob

4. 错误的语气 – 你听起来像一个享有特权的势利小人

"I want to go to Williams because my father and brother both attended Williams..." A better reason to attend a college is because the curriculum matches your academic and professional goals. Essays that focus on legacy status or connections with influential people often fail to answer the question well, and they are likely to create a negative impression.


5. Faulty Tone -- You Sound Too Materialistic

5. 错误的语气 – 你听起来太物质了

The admissions counselors see a lot of essays that are honest to a fault. Sure, most of us go to college because we want to get a degree and earn a good salary. Don't over-emphasize this point in your essay. If your essay states you want to go to Penn because their business majors earn more money than those from other colleges, you won't impress anyone. You'll sound self-interested and materialistic.


      一篇出色的Supplemental essay可以为学生的申请材料增添色彩,并且增大被录取的几率。通常,Supplemental essay能决定你最终属于“录取”还是“可能吧”。对附加文书来说,研究和准备是成功的关键,所以大家一定要努力写好这份文书。如果因为某些原因自己不能更好的完成Supplemental essay,建议交给我们meeloun论文网,选择我们的留学文书代写服务,我们支持全套文书代写,相比传统留学申请机构,我们是专业学术辅导机构,学术能力更为强大,欢迎联系网站客服提交代写要求。

上一篇:提高留学文书写作质量的四个步骤 下一篇:实习报告(Internship Report)怎么写?

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